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H616892 , Name Protected
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Basic Details
Age:40 years
Mother Tongue:Telugu
Marital Status:Single
City :Bangalore
Personal Information
Spoken Languages:Telugu
Physical Status:Normal
Body Type:Average
Height:5 Ft 10 In
Weight:82.0 Kg
Eating Habits:Non Vegetarian
Drinking Habits:Don't Drink
Smoking Habits:Don't smoke
Family Details
Family Type:Joint
Family Values:Traditional
Family Status:Middle class
Father's Occupation:Retried BMMP
Mothers Occupation:Bank
Brothers:0 of 0 married
Sisters:1 of 0 married
Education & Employment
Highest Degree:Bachelor of Commerce (B.Com)
Employed In:Private job
Special Occupation:Senior business development manager
Salary:45000 Indian Rupee Annually
Astrological Details
Kuja Dosha:No
Sports:Football, Cricket
Timepass:Travelling, Spend time
with Family, Watch movies, Reading Books -
Movies:Action, Science Fiction, Comedy, Romantic
What I'm looking for:
Age Between:33 & 37
Marital Status:Single
Mother Tongue:Kannada, Telugu, Tamil
Physical Status:Normal
Body Type:Athletic, Average, Slim
Eating Habits:Eggetarian, Non Vegetarian, Vegetarian
Drinking Habits:Non Drinkers
Smoking Habits:Non Smokers
Castes:Atishbaz, Deshmukh Maratha, Gajjar, Aarunattu Vellalar, Gampa Kamma, Gase Mali, 96 Kuli Maratha, Deshastha Maratha, Garhi Lohar, Karan, Dumar, Dammala / Dammali, Doom or Mahasha, Gadaba, Dandachatra Majhi, Gairi / Gaderiya, Gajula Balija, Gadar, Arasu, Gasawi, Aboti Brahmin, Gadhia, Karana, Gadi Lohar / Gadulia Lohar, 2A, 2B, Adi Karnataka, Halumatha Kuruba, Narmadiya Brahmin, Arya Vysya, Agasa, Karanam, Gahoi Vaishya, Bayar / Biyar, Jamatia, Abdal / Dafali, Acharaj, Achukatlavandlu, Ad Dharmi, Gadihar / Gadhayia, Adi, Baidya, Chamadollu, Gahoi / Gahoi Baniya, Galada Konkani, Adi Dravidar, Dasha Shrimali, Adi Andhra, Adikal
Employed In:Government job, Private job, Own business, Not working, Job trials, Sports Person, Others
Profession:Accountant, Artist, Carpenter, Chef/Cook, Dancer, Dentist, Farmer, Human Resource Professional, Journalist, Lecturer, Manager, Pilot, Police Officer
Salary above:10000 Indian Rupee
Country Living In:India
Visa Status:Business Visa, Others, F1/F2/M1/M2, Green Card Holder