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D626256 , Name Protected
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Basic Details
Age:44 years
Mother Tongue:Bengali
Marital Status:Divorced/Separated
City :Dhaka
Personal Information
About Profile:
Spoken Languages:Hindi, Urdu, English, Bengali
Physical Status:Normal
Body Type:Average
Height:5 Ft 9 In
Weight:70.0 Kg
Eating Habits:Non Vegetarian
Drinking Habits:Don't Drink
Smoking Habits:Don't smoke
Family Details
About Family:
Family Type:Nuclear
Family Values:Liberal
Family Status:Above middle
Father's Occupation:Retired Banker
Mothers Occupation:Home maker
Brothers:0 of 0 married
Sisters:2 of 2 married
Education & Employment
Highest Degree:Master of Public Health (M.P.H)
Special Degree:MBBS
Employed In:Private job
Salary:2000000 Taka Annually
Astrological Details
Mangal Dosha(Manglik):No
Music:Classical, Melody, Pop
Sports:Football, Cricket, Badminton
Timepass:Spend time
with Family, Watch movies, Travelling, Shopping -
Movies:Comedy, Horror, Action, Romantic
What I'm looking for:
Age Between:21 & 44
Marital Status:Divorced/Separated, Widowed, Unconsummated
Mother Tongue:Kashmiri, Rajasthani, Hindi, Marathi, English, Punjabi, Urdu, Bengali
Religions:Others, Hindu, Christian, Muslim, Sikh
Physical Status:Normal
Body Type:Average, Slim
Eating Habits:Vegetarian, Non Vegetarian, Eggetarian
Drinking Habits:Non Drinkers
Smoking Habits:Non Smokers
Castes:Sunni Muslim, Shia Muslim, Caste no bar
Education:Bachelor of Dental Surgery (B.D.S), Bachelor of Medicine Bachelor of Surgery (M.B.B.S), Doctor of Medicine (M.D), Master of Surgery (M.S), Master of Dental Surgery (M.D.S), Master of Chirurgical (M.Ch), Doctor of Medicine (D.M), Bachelor of Ayurvedic Medicine and Surgery (B.A.M.S), Bachelor of Homeopathic Medicine & Surgery (B.H.M.S), Bachelor of Engineering (B.E), Bachelor of Technology (B.Tech), Master of Engineering (M.E), Master of Technology (M.Tech), BS (USA), MS (USA), BBA (USA), MBA (USA)
Profession:Architect, Civil Engineer, Dentist, Designer, Doctor, Educationaist, Electrical Engineer, Govt Official, Human Resource Professional, Journalist, Lecturer, Manager, Mechanical Engineer, Model, Musician, Nurse, Philosopher, Photographer, Pilot, Psychiatrist, Scientist, Social Worker, Software Engineer
Country Living In:Germany, Bangladesh, Nepal, Australia, United Arab Emirates (UAE), India, United Kingdom (UK), France, Ireland, Canada, United States of America (USA)