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D184215 , Name Protected
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Basic Details
Age:38 years
Mother Tongue:Telugu
Caste:Adi Dravida
Marital Status:Single
City :Bangalore
Personal Information
About Profile:
Spoken Languages:Telugu, Hindi, Tamil, Kannada
Physical Status:Normal
Body Type:Average
Height:5 Ft 7 In
Weight:70.0 Kg
Eating Habits:Non Vegetarian
Drinking Habits:Don't Drink
Smoking Habits:Don't smoke
Family Details
About Family:
Family Type:Nuclear
Family Values:Liberal
Family Status:Middle class
Father's Occupation:Expired
Mothers Occupation:Expired
Sisters:1 of 1 married
Education & Employment
Highest Degree:Bachelor of Commerce (B.Com)
Employed In:Private job
Special Occupation:Logistics
Salary:40000 Indian Rupee Monthly
Astrological Details
Star:Ashlesha / Ayilyam
Music:Melody, Pop
Sports:Football, Cricket
Timepass:Watch movies, Travelling, Hangout
with friends -
Movies:Science Fiction, Comedy, Horror
What I'm looking for:
Age Between:30 & 35
Marital Status:Single, Widowed
Mother Tongue:Kodava, Oriya, Hindi, Konkani, Kannada, Nepali, Telugu, Malayalam, Tamil, Assamese, Bengali
Religions:Buddhist, Others, Non-Religious, Hindu
Physical Status:Normal
Body Type:Athletic, Average, Slim
Eating Habits:Vegetarian, Non Vegetarian, Eggetarian
Drinking Habits:Non Drinkers
Smoking Habits:Non Smokers
Castes:Adiyan / Adiya, Caste no bar, Intercaste, Lambani, Chakali, Chakkala, 96 Kuli Maratha, Paravan - SC, Paraiyar/Parayar, Ad Dharmi, Bhovi, Lambadi, Bhoyar, Adi Dravidar, Adi Andhra, Assamese, Scheduled Caste (SC), Backward Caste, Adi Banajger, Parayan, Adi Karnataka, Arunthathiyar
Education:10th class, Intermediate / Higher Secondary(11th or 12th), Bachelor of Arts (B.A), Bachelor of Commerce (B.Com), Bachelor of Education (B.Ed), Bachelor of Science (B.Sc), Under Graduate Basic Training (U.G.B.T), Under Graduate Teacher Training (U.G.T.T), Under Graduate Training (U.G.T), Others
Employed In:Any, Government job, Private job, Own business, Not working, Job trials, Sports Person, Others
Country Living In:India