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Basic Details
Age:32 years
Mother Tongue:Kannada
Caste:Lingayath Shivasimpi
Marital Status:Single
City :Bhadravati
Personal Information
Spoken Languages:Kannada
Physical Status:Normal
Body Type:Average
Height:5 Ft 6 In
Weight:65.0 Kg
Eating Habits:Eggetarian
Drinking Habits:Don't Drink
Smoking Habits:Don't smoke
Family Details
Family Type:Nuclear
Family Values:Moderate
Family Status:Middle class
Father's Occupation:Retired SAIL - VISL Executive
Mothers Occupation:Home maker
Brothers:0 of 0 married
Sisters:1 of 1 married
Education & Employment
Highest Degree:Bachelor of Engineering (B.E)
Employed In:Private job
Profession:Software Engineer
Salary:2600000 Indian Rupee Annually
Astrological Details
Star:Purva Bhadrapada / Poorattathi
Kuja Dosha:No
Sports:Cricket, Badminton
Timepass:Play Sports, Spend time
with Family, Travelling -
Movies:Action, Comedy, Romantic, Science Fiction
What I'm looking for:
Age Between:24 & 30
Marital Status:Single
Mother Tongue:Kannada
Physical Status:Normal
Body Type:Slim
Eating Habits:Vegetarian
Drinking Habits:Non Drinkers
Smoking Habits:Non Smokers
Raasi:Dhanush, Kumba, Makara, Meena, Thula, Vrishaba
Star:Uttara Bhadrapada / Uthirattathi, Mrigashira, Rohini, Dhanishta / Avittam, Shravana / Thiruvonam, Purva Ashadha / Pooradam, Svati
Castes:Lingayat, Ganiga Lingayat, Lingayat Banajiga, Lingayat Jangam, Lingayat Panchamasali, Lingayat Reddy, Sadar Lingayat, Sadhu Lingayat, Lingayat Paknak Reddy, Veerashaiva Lingayat, Nolamba lingayat
Education:Bachelor of Computer Applications (B.C.A), Bachelor of Engineering (B.E), Master of Computer Applications (M.C.A), Master of Business Administration (M.B.A)
Employed In:Government job, Private job, Own business, Job trials, Others
Profession:Accountant, Architect, Civil Engineer, Designer, Electrical Engineer, Govt Official, Human Resource Professional, Lecturer, Manager, Mechanical Engineer, Photographer, Scientist, Software Engineer
Salary above:750000 Indian Rupee
Country Living In:India